
Time Electric Star Flame

The screen start to show The group make it into Mondstadt entrance gate

Izuku: this city look fine and nice

Jaune: I know right

Amber: Let me officially introduce the city of wind, dandelions and freedom—Traveler under the protection of the knight of Favonius— welcome to Mondstadt!

Paimon: Finally, no more having to camp outdoors! But...the city folk don't too cheery

Amber: Everyone's beet put out of place by Stormterror recently. Buy everything will turn out fine as long Jean is with us!

Jaune and izuku: who?

Amber: Acting Grand Master of the knights of Favoniud—Jean, defender of Mondstadt.

Amber:with jean on our side, surely even the vicious Stormterror will be no match for us

Aether:<I hope she know something about the god anemo>

Jaune:<sound like someone pretty impressive>

Izuku:<yeah i think they're trying to match a freaking DRAGON!!>

Amber: before I take you guy to the knights of favonius headquarters, I have a present for you Three.

Izuku: and that present is?-raise eyebrow-

Amber: A present is a secret not to reavel, izuku-smile-

Izuku:-sigh in fatigue- fine

He was abit tired after using many electric today but luckily,he can recharge himself abit from using his brain to generate it

[Sans Gojo: yeah...I still don't know how it don't even actually work in infamous series but okay]

Jaune: so what was the reward for?

Amber: it's a reward for helping me clear that hilichurl camp.

Paimon: He-hey! Why doesn't get a reward?

Amber: Ahh...because this reward is useless to you, Paimon.

[sans gojo: Of course it would]

Amber: But I'll treat you to a traditional Mondstadt delicacy—Sticky Honey Roast.

Paimon:Sticky honey roast!-getting excited-

Amber: Come with me, we'll head to the city's ahh... high ground.

Aether and paimon follow amber to location designated. Izuku was about to go after them but Jaune time semblance start to show danger in the future. Three tornado, Mondstadt citizen getting injured, aether fire wind sphere from his hand as he keep shooting at the dragon and izuku was also there on . Jaune eye was glowing yellow and white before it die down.

Jaune quickly grab izuku shoulder before he go after aether and paimon.

Izuku: Jaune? What wrong?-notice blond guy swearing on face-And why are swearing?

Jaune: Huh?Yeah I'm fine. It just something...-take his fedora down and take out a golden dust from his hat- I want to give you this?

Izuku:-receive it and sense a huge energy from the golden dust- Why is there a huge from this crystal? And Why did you it to me?

Jaune:-start to explain- the "crystal" you hold is a energy source and weaponlize are call dust. It technically by everyone on my world and you are holding the supernova dust.

Izuku: So this so call "dust" can be use as weapon and energy source on your world?

Jaune: Yup

Izuku: So...How much can the supernova dust can charge up the city?

Jaune: If remenber correctly. It can charge a kingdom in A thousand year

Izuku:....-blink twice- I'm sorry did you say A THOUSAND WHAT?!-yell in shock-

Jaune: like I said before, a thousand year.

Izuku:-start to calm down- So why did you give it to me?

Jaune: let just say I have a bad feeling coming but important question, can absorb electric?

Izuku: Sure, I mean I can do that Why?

Jaune: Because you gonna use it later.

Jaune and izuku were rushing after aether and paimon. They walk up on stair as they already come to Mondstadt "high ground". While there are other people there praising Anemo Archon Huge statue there but who care anyway?. Amber is ready to reavel the present

Amber: So, the present I want to give you is... A wind gilder!

She give three of them a pair wing for each of them expect paimon, because you reader already know she can float.

Izuku: So what can this "wind glider" do exactly for outrider?-analyze the wing on his back-

Amber: Outriders use them to ride the wind. And the people of Mondstadt love using them too. I brought you three here to give it to you guy so you can experience it right away!-excited-

The wing somehow disappear from their shoulder. aether was ready to do wind gilder experience while Jaune and izuku doesn't really need use it anyway but This Is Mondstadt gift.

Paimon: Oh, you're really excited about these wind glider, Huh!

Amber:-crossing arm- Well that's because the wind is the heart and soul of Mondstadt!

Amber: Alright then, enough talk! Let's give it a whirl!

Jaune: How can we use it exactly?-raise eyebrow-

Amber: it's easy to use, but you still to need to pay attention to my instructions.

Aether: Okay....

Scene change with camera angle, showing the edge, aether off the edge first before Jaune and izuku jump after. They extend both their arm out, wing appear behind their back. They start gilding down, passing between two building.

They gliding toward the fountain as they land down infront of her amber safely.

Amber: Good job, You Three!

Aether: Thank amber.

The weather on the sky, dark clouds, wind began to blow abit stronger. They hear the roar of Dragon. Scene change to Stormterror flying toward The city of Freedom. The dragon let out a roar while flying around the city

Izuku: Jaune? You remember about the fact,you mention a bad feeling coming?

Jaune: yeah?

Izuku: now I think this the right moment to use it-take out supernova dust-

The Stormterror suommon out 3 tornado coming toward the citizen.

Jaune use time dodge, moving fast than a human eye can catch up as he saving people life. Amber and aether was running away from the tornado but it suck aether away.

Izuku: Dammit aether!-shout out-

Aether was on sky as he extend his arm, wind glider appear behind him. Instead of gliding down, he feel like he was floating than gliding down.

Stormterror was flying toward aether as the dragon open it mouth. In that moment, a blue flash move in zigzagging toward the dragon. With a lightning punch.

The impact punch was strong to sent Stormterror aside. Infront of aether eye, It was izuku flying on air with lightning envelop him.


Jaune was on the surface with binoculars

Jaune:-using binoculars-...How the beep is he staying afloat like that with just a wind glider?

Back with them

Izuku: You okay?-still floating-

He asked the traveler if he was okay but aether was abit surprise about izuku power.

Aether:Huh?-just got snap out-Yeah I'm okay-nod-

Izuku: How are you not gliding down?-confuse-

Aether: like if i know how

A mysterious voice enter their head without their permission.

?????: I'm preventing your fall with the power of a thousand winds. Now concentrate. See yourself grasping the wind. Harness its energy

Izuku: Who the wack say that?!

Aether: I don't know who was that-concentrate anemo energy-but we are gonna stop that dragon before it get worse

Get set

Aether realease his respectable projection wind blast. Izuku move zigzagging in a flash, he threw a punch before Move to left, firing alpha rocket.

Aether keep firing anemo sphere. Izuku keep firing alpha bolt from his palm.

The dragon doesn't sign of pain for their attack. Izuku use this moment for his finisher in the test.

Izuku fly toward Stormterror, he rotate his upper body to below of his body. Izuku pull left leg back and extend right leg out as he delivering flying side kick.

Izuku Finisher: LIGHTNING BLAST!

Lightning charging to his right leg as he launching toward Stormterror faster.

Aether Finisher: MAXIMUM ANEMO!

Aether was also delivering flying side kick toward with Anemo tornado. Launching fast like izuku doing.

Their finisher attack collide Stormterror scale but it did hurt the dragon but by something else. The dragon just let out huge roar, sending both of them away. Stormterror fly up to the sky. Wind glider appear on aether back while izuku was still in Overcharge Form.

They look at Stormterror flying away.

Scene change to Mondstadt, aether gliding down, izuku floating down with overcharge Form gone after using 10% of superNova dust.

Amber rush toward traveler, checking him if he was hurt anywhere. Izuku walk to his partner.

Jaune: you alright?

Izuku:-nod- yeah, I'm alright after using it.-hear handclap-

The scene Angle Change to someone boots walk into the scene

The man keep handclap slower as the scene change from bottom to upper. The man stop handclap as he stop walking.

He has an navy blue hair that has a few streaks of a lighter colour. He has blue eyes with a diamond shaped iris and covers one of his eyes with a black eyepatch. On his left ear he has a single blue earring in the shape of a drop of water.

He has white fur around his shoulders forming from the cape on his left side to the shoulder on the right. Around his neck he wears what appears to be a golden chain

While his outfit is black and blue themed, it also has a white cape on the back only on the left side and he wears a blue shirt which exposes his chest a little. Below that he wears what seems like a darker blue armor of sorts. His pants go all the way under his boots with a unique brown belt from which his cryo vision dangles. He also wears boots all the way until his knees. The boots are of black and blue colour with the dominant colour being black.

[kaeya, the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius]

Kaeya: You've actually got the power to go up against the dragon but the question is....

Kaeya: Are you a new ally or a new storm?

To be continue!

Author note:
-Overcharge form, giving izuku extra ability to fly and super speed
-it won't be fun if The traverler couldn't have a finisher move like our Mc
-i was kinda lazy to descride charater so I went google and copy it and paste it here

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