
[Longfic] MIRACLE | KimKim Couple

34. Priority


What a busy week! After days immersed in the intense joy, Ji Won couldn't help her tears when sending her parents off back to the States, and Soo Hyun's mom was also invited to the US trip with them. Mrs. Kim was not normally emotional, but mood swings kicked in recently as a common pregnancy progress.

"Alright baby, don't be too clingy", Ji Won's eomma gently patted her back, "Soo Hyun will get your back while we're away"

"Promise me you will be back for my delivery", Ji Won pouted

"I promise, not just me, we all will come back to support you", her mom chuckled

"Calm down, aegy", her dad raised his voice, "Don't act like you have stick with us all the times, you're always with Kim seobang, and he is still here"

Well, that was true. Soo Hyun's face sparked a sense of satisfaction for his in-laws' sayings.

"Alright, jangin, jangmonim, don't worry. I will take good care of her", Soo Hyun gave them a warm hug, turning to his mother as well, "Eomma, enjoy your trip. I am sure you'll like the place"

"Geurae, I think we should get going, the custom looks crowded", Soo Hyun's mom turned to Ji Won, "Uri Ji Won, eat well, okay? Tell Soo Hyun if you need anything. We'll all see you again"

Ji Won's father gently offered her a last hug, "Let us know if you want us to bring back something, any of your favorite snacks, or whatever you can think of"

Waving goodbye to their parents, the couple decided to go get some ice cream to lift up Ji Won's mood. These months were her last chance to be the baby, before such role would be taken. The snack queen always saved a corner of her stomach for sweet treats, and yogurt ice cream had won her heart recently.

"Do you have plan later today?", Ji Won asked while scooping her cone with relish

"Ah a little bit, Gold Medalist is asking me to share my experience with some rookie artists", Soo Hyun gently took her into his arms, "What's about it? Do you have something in mind?"

"Ani~ I set up a meeting with Dr. Lee, but you can drop me off there and pick me up once you're done. I just want some of her advices on my nutrition for the upcoming trimester"

"Ah I see, shouldn't I be there with you? Should we reschedule with Dr.Lee? Just in case you would need me there", Soo Hyun offered

"Ah no need, just some chit chat with her", Ji Won chuckled at her mister, who couldn't stop overreacting over minor topics

"Alright, mianhaeyo. This plan was adhoc, I'll be with you next time", Soo Hyun caressed her cheek with a loving gaze, "Do you want to stop by the mall? Any more shopping for the kids"

His question caught her in disbelief, "Mr. Kim, you have a pile of unopened boxes at home. I still haven't seen what is inside"

"Arasso, arasso", Soo Hyun awkwardly scratched his head, "Just asking"

"Just kidding", Ji Won suddenly left a peck on his lips, her eyes smiled from her cheeks, "They will be daddy's princess, and mommy's prince, won't they?"

"Yes, they definitely will. Saranghae, Ji Wonie", Soo Hyun felt blessed for their current situation

The recent series of events had been a great source of pleasant, yet brought Ji Won some unclear fatigue, making her pay more attention to her nutrition intake. Dropping Ji Won off at the hospital, Soo Hyun had carefully texted Dr. Lee beforehand to ensure her smooth visit.

"Ji Won-ssi, come in", Dr. Lee's voice echoed out a warm greeting

"Annyeong, how are you?", Ji Won walked in with a bright smile

"All good. How about you? What brought you here? I think there are still two more weeks until our next scheduled checkup"

"Nothing much, just my belly has got heavier, obviously. I think I feel more fatigue recently, especially after my past busy week"

"I see, I am glad that you come in. If you had had a busy week, it would likely have been part of the problem. Anyway, is it convenient for you to run a few tests today?"

"It's okay, I am free for the next 2 hours"

"It's around time to do your gestational diabetes test. Let's just do it today", Dr. Lee directed.

"Ah nae, please go ahead"

"Also, Ji Won-ssi. I want to discuss with you some more things." Dr. Lee went on, "About your upcoming delivery"

"What's about it?", Ji Won furrowed

"Ah as you know, you're carrying twins at the age of 36, which is relatively risky", her words stumbled for a while, "We have more tests to conduct in order to suggest your best way to deliver. We will likely have to consider C-section"

"Is there any chance for me to give birth naturally?", Ji Won concerned, "Will the process of C-section carry any side effects?"

"That will be left to discuss once your test results all come out", Dr. Lee reassured her, "You can take it easy for now. We'll do our best to consult you"

Ji Won left the office with mixed feelings thinking about how to summarize the conversation to Soo Hyun as he would definitely go anxious for whatever the problem was. Soo Hyun non-stop chat on their way home, started to talk about the incredible journey they had shared, from the moment they met to this point in their lives. As he spoke, Ji Won felt a surge of love and gratitude for him, yet also found herself unable to initiate a single topic besides reacting to his.

These days Soo Hyun committed to eating at home with her, witnessing their bond grew only stronger as they shared time cooking, eating, cleaning together. Although Soo Hyun pushed her to the couch, Ji Won insisted that being active kept her healthier during the gestation. Unlike her first time being pregnant, she now enjoyed many kinds of food, and Soo Hyun also gained his new hobby of running out the house at random time to find one exact thing according to her spontaneous craving. This parenthood is messily fun.

Afternoon walks became their cherished ritual. Soo Hyun would carefully guide Ji Won along the paved paths, capturing precious moments in photographs. He vowed to carve all these moments to his heart. These tranquil outings were a source of immense happiness for them both.

"Can't believe we're walking now", Ji Won exclaimed, "Honestly, I am missing my Porsche"

"Not until next year baby, I am sorry", Soo Hyun's arms moved to his hip with a serious look

"Don't you think we can start them early on the speed?", she teased just to see his addictive overreaction

"Jinja??", his eyes widened as expected, "Antue~~ I don't think it's how things work"

Evenings were spent together, indulging in movies or books. Soo Hyun's gentle hand would often rest on Ji Won's growing belly, a silent conversation with their unborn children, besides his discussable topics.

"Yaedeula, what would you like to be called?", Soo Hyun popped a silly question

"Seriously? Are you telling your kids to name themselves?", Ji Won giggled

"Then should I ask you instead?", Soo Hyun beamed, leaning his forehead against hers. "What do you think?"

"Best would be some names that have a part of yours and mine engaging with each of them", Ji Won pondered, "Kim Soo Bin for our baby girl, and Kim Ji Yong for the baby boy?"

"That's great! Daddy's little princess and mommy's little guard", Soo Hyun exclaimed

"No no, he's mommy's little prince. How come you be biased already?", Ji Won shook her head in disbelief

"Ani~ Just...I don't have any experience of making someone a prince", Soo Hyun raised his opinion before pulling her into a deep kiss, "only know how to make someone a princess"

Ji Won, as usual, would giggle at his words, "You flatterer. You should also learn how to braid my hair from now, in order to serve your new princess later"

An easy nod from Soo Hyun, "Sounds good, but don't be too jealous if that girl loves me too"


Recently, Ji Won invited an expert for a parenting class at home to teach them newborn care, breastfeeding, and sleep patterns, where they practiced baby wearing, changing diapers on a life-sized doll, and even took a CPR course.

As Ji Won's pregnancy advanced, so did the couple's preparations for their twins' arrival. Soo Hyun, with newfound DIY enthusiasm, transformed the spare room into a nursery. Soft, pastel hues adorned the walls, and gentle, lulling melodies played softly in the background. A miniature crib, a changing table, and a small wardrobe filled the space with a sense of anticipation. The nursery, once a distant dream, was now a tangible reality, filled with the soft scent of baby powder and the gentle glow of string lights. One afternoon, while making more space for storage, they paused to admire their handiwork. Sunlight streamed through the window, casting dancing shadows on the walls. Soo Hyun turned to Ji Won, his eyes filled with love and wonder.

"How do you think?", his eyes prided in the renovation, "My random orders wouldn't be a big deal now"

"Save your money anyway, Mr. Kim", Ji Won teased, "You will soon have two more people to feed"

Laughing at her saying, "Can you believe we're going to be parents soon?" he asked softly.

Ji Won smiled, her heart full. "I can't wait to meet our little ones."

They stood in silence for a moment, their minds filled with dreams of the future. As the sun began its descent, casting the room in a golden glow, they held each other close, their love a beacon in the twilight.

"Yeobo, I have something to share with you", Ji Won suddenly initiated a topic

"What's that?", Soo Hyun paid attention immediately

"Ah last time when you dropped me off at Dr. Lee, we talked about a few things regarding my upcoming labor"

Soo Hyun slightly frowned, "Yea, what's about it?"

"We still have the third trimester to follow", her voice stumbled, "but Dr. Lee mentioned some risks as I am delivering the twins at 36"

"Jakkhaman", Soo Hyun released the curtain being installed to sit next to her, "Risks?"

"Yea you know, it happens to women at my age", Ji Won sighed, "I was diagnosed with anemia, but she also suggested a C-section"

"Anemia?? Haven't we strictly modified your diet since day 1?", his overreacting mode was on

"Well I am carrying two hungry babies, it's not something I couldn't have seen", Ji Won squeezed his hand in hers, "but honestly, I am stressed. This issue may cause our babies to suffer anemia as well"

"Antue, I am not letting this happen. Leave it to me, I'll talk to Dr. Lee later", Soo Hyun gently patted her back, "Just enjoy your time, do whatever you like to, remember that you have me here. Your parents entrusted you to me, and this is my responsibility"

Despite all his calm reasons, Soo Hyun actually fought his anxiety inside. Anything about their babies would be his priority for now, much so that he wouldn't feel tired until ensuring them all the best.

"Dr. Lee, it's me", Soo Hyun's voice whispered early the next morning, "yea I heard about Ji Won's diagnoses. Can you explain in detail?"

"Nae, so Ji Won is experiencing anemia and mild gestational diabetes", Dr. Lee echoed from the other end

"But we have closely adjusted her diet, how could this happen?", Mr. Kim's brows deeply furrowed

"I see your point, but the fact of one body's absorbing level varies among individuals", Dr. Lee carefully explained, "It seemed like her body absorbed more sugar than iron and folic acid from the food"

"Then are there any other concerns I should know about?", asked Soo Hyun

"Well, I meant to inform you two earlier, but since Ji Won came alone that day", Dr. Lee advised him, "The twins will likely demand a C-section, but with her current level of anemia, it can be dangerous while performing the operation"

"Will improving her diet facilitate a more uplifting scenario?", Soo Hyun's voice trembled

"Yes, very likely, but we will also follow her record closely to identify chances of risk"

The call ended in Soo Hyun's ambivalence. With a heavy heart looking at his wife deep asleep beside, Soo Hyun was not quite ready for any threats to cast upon her. Listening to her even breath, his mind flooded with their past journey, where ups and downs got them on their maddest ride to the current happiness, and after all, just as he thought life was close to perfect, it turned out that they soon would have to roll the dice again. Soo Hyun really couldn't explain his concerns though she was opened to share hers. Knowing Ji Won's sensitive physique wouldn't allow his thought to stay still in front of the mentioned risks. A guilty feeling suddenly covered his heart in minutes, thinking about his vow on their wedding, that all he ever needed was Ji Won.

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